Developers - Netchex

Download our CPO Guidebook for insights & strategies to help your business grow as a people-centric organization using HR technology

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Request Access

Contact our Service Team to initiate an access request.

Include the following:

  • The company codes you are requesting access to
  • The APIs and web-hooks you are requesting access to
  • If you already have one, your existing API access code

Our team will reply with further instructions and your access credentials.


At this time, Netchex does not offer custom development capabilities, but we do offer technical support. Support requests initiated through the Netchex Service Team may be upgraded to any of the support options below from the Netchex Engineering team.

Included Support

Access to APIs, web-hooks, and online help resources is included with your Netchex purchase.

Enhanced Support

Enhanced support grants email and remote assistance from a Netchex engineer. This includes:

  • Explaining the technical functionality of Netchex services
  • Configuring test environments
  • Reviewing client integration implementation and suggesting improvements
  • Assistance with debugging client implementations

Support does not include:

  • Executing tests
  • Custom development
  • Fixing bugs in Netchex APIs

Response time: 1 to 5 business days

Availability: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. central time, Monday – Friday

Pricing: $300 / hour of support, purchasable in 5 hour blocks

Contact our Service Team to initiate a purchase.

API Documentation


For Open APIs, use API key authentication. In each request to the Netchex API, include the following header:

Authorization: ApiKey {api-key}

Legacy APIs use basic authentication.


Netchex uses Azure Event Grid to send web-hook events. Events are POSTed as JSON HTTP requests to your selected endpoint with the following format:

    "topic": string,
    "subject": string,
    "id": string,
    "eventType": string,
    "eventTime": string,
    "dataVersion": string,
    "metadataVersion": string

topicstringunique identifier for this event stream
subjectstringunique identifier for the subject of the event
idstring in .NET Guid format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxunique identifier for this event
eventTypestringunique identifier for this event type
eventTimestring in ISO 8601 formatdate and time of the event
dataobjectcustom metadata object for the event – see Event Types below
dataVersionstringschema version of the event message format
metadataVersionstringschema version of the event metadata format

Web-hook Authentication

You can authenticate the sender of events using a shared secret embedded in a query parameter.

The query parameter will be token, and the value of the parameter will be unique to your account. Check the value on each POST to authenticate.

Web-hook Endpoint Validation

Before receiving events, you must validate your web-hook endpoint. At the time that the webhook endpoint is registered, you’ll receive a validation event with the following format:

    "id": "",
    "topic": "",
    "subject": "",
    "data": {
      "validationCode": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "validationUrl": ""
    "eventType": "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent",
    "eventTime": "",
    "metadataVersion": "1",
    "dataVersion": "1"

To prove ownership of the endpoint, echo back the validation code in this format:

  "validationResponse": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

You must respond with the HTTP 200 response code.

Web-hook Event Types

Each event type is listed below with its properties in list form below it.

Event type: companyPayrollInvoiced

  • payrollIdint32 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeAdded

  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeBenefitCoverageEnded

  • employeeBenefitIdint64 as number
  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeBenefitEnrolled

  • employeeBenefitIdint64 as number
  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeBenefitUpdated

  • employeeBenefitIdint64 as number
  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeDependentAdded

  • dependentIdint64 as number
  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeDependentUpdated

  • dependentIdint64 as number
  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeEnrollmentCompleted

  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

Event type: employeeUpdated

  • employeeIdint64 as number
  • companyIdint32 as number

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