Finding the Balance: How to Create a Hybrid Work Environment - Netchex
Remote & Hybrid Work
Jul 16, 2021

Finding the Balance: How to Create a Hybrid Work Environment

Finding the Balance: How to Create a Hybrid Work Environment


As the business world and worker expectations continue to evolve, many businesses are left with a future of work dilemma: return to the office, remote employees, or a hybrid work environment.

Each has their advantages and disadvantages from both an employer and employee perspective. Recent research shows that employees like remote work, but also miss the day-to-day interactions in the office. 

Thankfully, hybrid work offers a little bit of both. Workers can maintain their flexibility, while still benefiting from in-person time with their co-workers. Companies are able to keep their employees happy, engaged, and productive—the best of both worlds.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the multiple options for hybrid work and the numerous benefits it can bring to your company and workforce. 

So, how can you help your company adapt to a hybrid work environment? Check out these helpful tips for a smooth transition that will unite both company goals and employee expectations. 

Create a virtual workplace environment

Look for software solutions that work for in-person staff as well as remote employees. In addition to offering necessary support for the circumstances of each individual, you should try to provide a consistent experience for everyone. It’s about equipping the team for effective work, not favoring one type of employee over another.

Build the infrastructure to support flexible work

In a hybrid work environment, your employees need to scheduling tools and policies that streamline collaboration.

  • Ensure that office staff and remote workers have the flexibility, support, and tools they need to work effectively.
  • Update company policies and HR manuals to ensure all employees are treated fairly, regardless of where they work.
  • Empower remote employees to use a “windowed work” schedule.

Emphasize communication, accountability, and trust

Communication with remote employees requires understanding, flexibility, and scheduling. There needs to be an environment of accountability and trust, which starts with clear expectations. To keep everyone on the same page, learn how to make meetings with remote employees effective. 

Invest in company culture and team-building

Nobody enjoys the challenge of managing underperforming employees. Encourage teamwork and make sure that expectations (as well as consequences) are clear up front.

To keep everyone motivated and energized, invest in a performance-based work culture that develops both in-person and remote staff.

Train leaders on how to manage hybrid teams

Managers and leaders at your company will need to adapt their management style for a hyrbid work environment. Many experienced managers may be unfamiliar with the unique challenges that come with hybrid teams. Make sure they have the training and resources they need so that they can continue to maximize productivity, encourage teamwork, and make connections with their team members.

Be aware of the challenges

Plan ahead and remain flexible for the many challenges that come with remote work. Update your software and be proactive about addressing remote work security risks. With the right attitude and preparation, a hybrid work environment offers huge benefits for employees and the company.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how to transition your company to a hybrid work environment

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