With social isolating in full effect as a way to flatten the curve, people are discovering ways to still take care of what needs to be done. From working remotely and online grocery orders to teleconferencing with family and friends, virtual experiences are proving to not only be easy and accommodating but essential. This has even extended to the doctor’s office thanks to telemedicine—which has actually been an option for employee benefits packages for quite a while now, but has only seen a huge spike in participation recently.
Since COVID-19 can survive on many types of surfaces and contagious people may not show noticeable symptoms, healthcare professionals and clinic waiting rooms are high-risk for spreading the virus. When fewer patients are visiting hospitals and doctors in-person, there are fewer opportunities for the virus to spread. Thanks to growing telemedicine capabilities, this threat can be lessened tremendously during the pandemic and beyond.

Deciding Who To Recall Guide
Deciding which employees to return to the workplace following a furlough or temporary layoff, and in what order you’ll call them back, will require an individualized analysis for each organization. For those who aren’t sure where to start, we provide this as a starting point.

Recall form Furlough
Revised Offer Letter Template

Return to Work Checklist
Posting and Policies, Health and Saftey, and Best Practices

Welcome Back Letter
COVID-19 Reutrn To Work Letter Template

Employee Notice – Face Coverings
Employeee Notice – Face Coverings Letter Template

COVID-19 Testimonials
Staying in compliance with the new Families First Coronavirus Response and CARES acts can seem like a daunting task- but Netchex has you covered.
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